

Digital Publishing Platforms

Power, flexible options for showcasing your digital content
PageRaft sample on a laptop or cell phone


Through PageRaft, you can create a deeply engaging reading experience the combines the curated feel of a publication and the responsiveness of a website.

nxtbook4 displayed on PC and a picture of a digital magazine


Create interactive and engaging experiences that match the look and feel of your print publications or PDFs.

Report Digital  Analytics graph of usage with magnifying glass


You’ll have real-time analytics from our third-party analytics provider right out of the gate. Clean data, clear insights. All this, so you can steer your content efforts in the right direction.


Increased ROI

Traditionally publishing and printing content is expensive. Granted, creating and producing content of any kind comes at a cost, but digital publishing saves valuable money in the long run by:
  • Diminishing print costs: Printing doesn’t come for free. The costs associated with printing and binding your content can reach the thousands, not to mention the hundreds or thousands spent printing your content during pre-publishing for proofing and processing.

  • Reducing publication costs: As we mentioned, digital content entices customers to come to you. Marketing is integral in every publishing process but comes at a much higher expense with traditional publishing methods.

  • Saving shipping costs: Unless your user purchases a hard copy of your publication, you won’t need to worry about shipping costs. Consumers already have a mobile copy they can take with them wherever and whenever they want to help them save space.

The more involved you are in digital publishing, the more results you will see. Because these results are online, you can track accurate data to see exactly where you’re saving money and which areas you can save more in.


Ready to get started?

Contact us to schedule a demo today!
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